前言:在用mfc框架编写应用的时候,如果注意,你会发现在App应用类的InitInstance()函数中,初始化时总有一个 SetRegistryKey("String"); 这是什么函数呢,设置记录字符串,不明觉厉,于是用心去查了一下,分享给大家。
SetRegistryKey | Causes application settings to be stored in the registry instead of .INI files. |
设置MFC程序的注册表访问键,并把读写 ini 文件的成员函数映射到读写注册表。只要调用一下 SetRegistryKey 并指定注册表键值,那么下面6个成员函数,就被映射到进行注册表读取了(有点类似指向切换) |
WriteProfileBinary | Writes binary data to an entry in the application's .INI file. |
WriteProfileInt | Writes an integer to an entry in the application's .INI file. |
WriteProfileString | Writes a string to an entry in the application's .INI file. |
GetProfileBinary | Retrieves binary data from an entry in the application's .INI file. |
GetProfileInt | Retrieves an integer from an entry in the application's .INI file. |
GetProfileString | Retrieves a string from an entry in the application's .INI file. |
CString strUserName,strPassword;WriteProfileString("LogInfo","UserName",strUserName); //向注册表HKEY_CURRENT_USER//software//boli's app//LogInfo//分支下写入 UserName 字符串行键值~WriteProfileString("LogInfo","Password",strPassword);//同上 strUserName = GetProfileString("LogInfo","UserName");// 这里是读取HKEY_CURRENT_USER//software//boli's app//LogInfo//分支下的 UserName 字符串键值到 strUserName strPassword = GetProfileString("LogInfo","Password");
// 如果不是在CWinApp 派生的类中读写注册表,可以直接用: strUserName = theApp.GetProfileString("LogInfo","UserName"); strPassword = theApp.GetProfileString("LogInfo","Password");// 或 strUserName = AfxGetApp()->GetProfileString("LogInfo","UserName");
下面是MFC中的具体实现代码,可以看看是如何实现的:// CWinApp Settings Helpers
#pragma code_seg(AFX_INIT_SEG)#endifvoid CWinApp::SetRegistryKey(LPCTSTR lpszRegistryKey)
{ ASSERT(m_pszRegistryKey == NULL); ASSERT(lpszRegistryKey != NULL); ASSERT(m_pszAppName != NULL);BOOL bEnable = AfxEnableMemoryTracking(FALSE);
free((void*)m_pszRegistryKey); m_pszRegistryKey = _tcsdup(lpszRegistryKey); free((void*)m_pszProfileName); m_pszProfileName = _tcsdup(m_pszAppName); AfxEnableMemoryTracking(bEnable);}void CWinApp::SetRegistryKey(UINT nIDRegistryKey)
{ ASSERT(m_pszRegistryKey == NULL);TCHAR szRegistryKey[256];
VERIFY(AfxLoadString(nIDRegistryKey, szRegistryKey)); SetRegistryKey(szRegistryKey);}// returns key for HKEY_CURRENT_USER/"Software"/RegistryKey/ProfileName
// creating it if it doesn't exist// responsibility of the caller to call RegCloseKey() on the returned HKEYHKEY CWinApp::GetAppRegistryKey(){ ASSERT(m_pszRegistryKey != NULL); ASSERT(m_pszProfileName != NULL);HKEY hAppKey = NULL;
HKEY hSoftKey = NULL; HKEY hCompanyKey = NULL; if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, _T("software"), 0, KEY_WRITE|KEY_READ, &hSoftKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dw; if (RegCreateKeyEx(hSoftKey, m_pszRegistryKey, 0, REG_NONE, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE|KEY_READ, NULL, &hCompanyKey, &dw) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCreateKeyEx(hCompanyKey, m_pszProfileName, 0, REG_NONE, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE|KEY_READ, NULL, &hAppKey, &dw); } } if (hSoftKey != NULL) RegCloseKey(hSoftKey); if (hCompanyKey != NULL) RegCloseKey(hCompanyKey);return hAppKey;
}// returns key for:
// HKEY_CURRENT_USER/"Software"/RegistryKey/AppName/lpszSection// creating it if it doesn't exist.// responsibility of the caller to call RegCloseKey() on the returned HKEYHKEY CWinApp::GetSectionKey(LPCTSTR lpszSection){ ASSERT(lpszSection != NULL);HKEY hSectionKey = NULL;
HKEY hAppKey = GetAppRegistryKey(); if (hAppKey == NULL) return NULL;DWORD dw;
RegCreateKeyEx(hAppKey, lpszSection, 0, REG_NONE, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE|KEY_READ, NULL, &hSectionKey, &dw); RegCloseKey(hAppKey); return hSectionKey;}UINT CWinApp::GetProfileInt(LPCTSTR lpszSection, LPCTSTR lpszEntry,
int nDefault){ ASSERT(lpszSection != NULL); ASSERT(lpszEntry != NULL); if (m_pszRegistryKey != NULL) // use registry { HKEY hSecKey = GetSectionKey(lpszSection); if (hSecKey == NULL) return nDefault; DWORD dwValue; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwCount = sizeof(DWORD); LONG lResult = RegQueryValueEx(hSecKey, (LPTSTR)lpszEntry, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, &dwCount); RegCloseKey(hSecKey); if (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ASSERT(dwType == REG_DWORD); ASSERT(dwCount == sizeof(dwValue)); return (UINT)dwValue; } return nDefault; } else { ASSERT(m_pszProfileName != NULL); return ::GetPrivateProfileInt(lpszSection, lpszEntry, nDefault, m_pszProfileName); }}CString CWinApp::GetProfileString(LPCTSTR lpszSection, LPCTSTR lpszEntry,
LPCTSTR lpszDefault){ ASSERT(lpszSection != NULL); ASSERT(lpszEntry != NULL); if (m_pszRegistryKey != NULL) { HKEY hSecKey = GetSectionKey(lpszSection); if (hSecKey == NULL) return lpszDefault; CString strValue; DWORD dwType, dwCount; LONG lResult = RegQueryValueEx(hSecKey, (LPTSTR)lpszEntry, NULL, &dwType, NULL, &dwCount); if (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ASSERT(dwType == REG_SZ); lResult = RegQueryValueEx(hSecKey, (LPTSTR)lpszEntry, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)strValue.GetBuffer(dwCount/sizeof(TCHAR)), &dwCount); strValue.ReleaseBuffer(); } RegCloseKey(hSecKey); if (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ASSERT(dwType == REG_SZ); return strValue; } return lpszDefault; } else { ASSERT(m_pszProfileName != NULL);if (lpszDefault == NULL)
lpszDefault = _T(""); // don't pass in NULL TCHAR szT[4096]; DWORD dw = ::GetPrivateProfileString(lpszSection, lpszEntry, lpszDefault, szT, _countof(szT), m_pszProfileName); ASSERT(dw < 4095); return szT; }}BOOL CWinApp::GetProfileBinary(LPCTSTR lpszSection, LPCTSTR lpszEntry,
BYTE** ppData, UINT* pBytes){ ASSERT(lpszSection != NULL); ASSERT(lpszEntry != NULL); ASSERT(ppData != NULL); ASSERT(pBytes != NULL); *ppData = NULL; *pBytes = 0; if (m_pszRegistryKey != NULL) { HKEY hSecKey = GetSectionKey(lpszSection); if (hSecKey == NULL) return FALSE;DWORD dwType, dwCount;
LONG lResult = RegQueryValueEx(hSecKey, (LPTSTR)lpszEntry, NULL, &dwType, NULL, &dwCount); *pBytes = dwCount; if (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ASSERT(dwType == REG_BINARY); *ppData = new BYTE[*pBytes]; lResult = RegQueryValueEx(hSecKey, (LPTSTR)lpszEntry, NULL, &dwType, *ppData, &dwCount); } RegCloseKey(hSecKey); if (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ASSERT(dwType == REG_BINARY); return TRUE; } else { delete [] *ppData; *ppData = NULL; } return FALSE; } else { ASSERT(m_pszProfileName != NULL);CString str = GetProfileString(lpszSection, lpszEntry, NULL);
if (str.IsEmpty()) return FALSE; ASSERT(str.GetLength()%2 == 0); INT_PTR nLen = str.GetLength(); *pBytes = UINT(nLen)/2; *ppData = new BYTE[*pBytes]; for (int i=0;i<nLen;i+=2) { (*ppData)[i/2] = (BYTE) (((str[i+1] - 'A') << 4) + (str[i] - 'A')); } return TRUE; }}#ifdef AFX_CORE3_SEG
#pragma code_seg(AFX_CORE3_SEG)#endifBOOL CWinApp::WriteProfileInt(LPCTSTR lpszSection, LPCTSTR lpszEntry,
int nValue){ ASSERT(lpszSection != NULL); ASSERT(lpszEntry != NULL); if (m_pszRegistryKey != NULL) { HKEY hSecKey = GetSectionKey(lpszSection); if (hSecKey == NULL) return FALSE; LONG lResult = RegSetValueEx(hSecKey, lpszEntry, NULL, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&nValue, sizeof(nValue)); RegCloseKey(hSecKey); return lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { ASSERT(m_pszProfileName != NULL);TCHAR szT[16];
wsprintf(szT, _T("%d"), nValue); return ::WritePrivateProfileString(lpszSection, lpszEntry, szT, m_pszProfileName); }}BOOL CWinApp::WriteProfileString(LPCTSTR lpszSection, LPCTSTR lpszEntry,
LPCTSTR lpszValue){ ASSERT(lpszSection != NULL); if (m_pszRegistryKey != NULL) { LONG lResult; if (lpszEntry == NULL) //delete whole section { HKEY hAppKey = GetAppRegistryKey(); if (hAppKey == NULL) return FALSE; lResult = ::RegDeleteKey(hAppKey, lpszSection); RegCloseKey(hAppKey); } else if (lpszValue == NULL) { HKEY hSecKey = GetSectionKey(lpszSection); if (hSecKey == NULL) return FALSE; // necessary to cast away const below lResult = ::RegDeleteValue(hSecKey, (LPTSTR)lpszEntry); RegCloseKey(hSecKey); } else { HKEY hSecKey = GetSectionKey(lpszSection); if (hSecKey == NULL) return FALSE; lResult = RegSetValueEx(hSecKey, lpszEntry, NULL, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)lpszValue, (lstrlen(lpszValue)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR)); RegCloseKey(hSecKey); } return lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { ASSERT(m_pszProfileName != NULL); ASSERT(lstrlen(m_pszProfileName) < 4095); // can't read in bigger return ::WritePrivateProfileString(lpszSection, lpszEntry, lpszValue, m_pszProfileName); }}BOOL CWinApp::WriteProfileBinary(LPCTSTR lpszSection, LPCTSTR lpszEntry,
LPBYTE pData, UINT nBytes){ ASSERT(lpszSection != NULL); if (m_pszRegistryKey != NULL) { LONG lResult; HKEY hSecKey = GetSectionKey(lpszSection); if (hSecKey == NULL) return FALSE; lResult = RegSetValueEx(hSecKey, lpszEntry, NULL, REG_BINARY, pData, nBytes); RegCloseKey(hSecKey); return lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS; }// convert to string and write out
LPTSTR lpsz = new TCHAR[nBytes*2+1]; UINT i; for (i = 0; i < nBytes; i++) { lpsz[i*2] = (TCHAR)((pData[i] & 0x0F) + 'A'); //low nibble lpsz[i*2+1] = (TCHAR)(((pData[i] >> 4) & 0x0F) + 'A'); //high nibble } lpsz[i*2] = 0;ASSERT(m_pszProfileName != NULL);
BOOL bResult = WriteProfileString(lpszSection, lpszEntry, lpsz);
delete[] lpsz; return bResult;